Top Criminal Defense Lawyers
About Us
Recognizing Top Criminal Defense Attorneys
Defenders for Justice recognizes the top criminal defense attorneys in the country. Our mission is twofold: to help worthy lawyers differentiate themselves in a crowded market, and to help defendants find the best attorneys near them.
DFJ was founded by legal marketing professionals who saw firsthand how criminal defense attorneys were underserved by the legal marketing space, making it challenging for skilled attorneys to connect with the criminal defendants who need them. Additionally, many legal awards and membership organizations available to defense attorneys do not have a clear vetting process.
Defenders for Justice is proud to recognize and offer our marketing products only to the
best of the best criminal defense attorneys.
Honoree Benefits
Powerful Marketing Tools for Criminal Defense Lawyers
Our mission is to help recognized attorneys promote their accomplishments and continually grow their business.
Honorees benefit from:​
Custom logos / Branded marketing materials / Digital profiles / And more